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Permanent Diabetes Control


There are 2 Books

Book # 1: Permanent Diabetes Control  $19.99
12 Chapters, 248 Pages, 53 Figures & 76 Tables!
This is the complete book with all 12 chapters. This book contains the most up-to-date information on controlling type 2 diabetes and type 1 diabetes. By reading this book, you can control your diabetes in 90 days, and achieve normal A1c.
Click on dBook button or eBook button to purchase!

Book # 2:  The Secret to Controlling Type 2 Diabetes  $9.99
Book # 2 is created with the first 3 chapters of Book # 1.
3 Chapters, 108 Pages, 16 Figures & 18 Tables!
This book contains the first 3 chapters (Chapter1, Chapter 2 & Chapter 3),
making it a short course for people with either type 2 diabetes or type 1 diabetes.

Click on dBook button or eBook button to purchase! 

 Both Books Teach "How to control Type 2 Diabetes or Type 1 Diabetes."

Digital Book (dBook)  |  eBook (PDF File)

The contents of dBook & eBook are exactly the same!


It is a very comfortable HTML file. You can read the book on this webpage using your PC, Laptop or Tablet.


eBook is a PDF file. You can read it online. You can print this eBook,
bind it and read it comfortably like the real book.


The Complete Guide to Living Like a Normal Person Forever
Authored by: Rao Konduru, PhD

The Print Book (Real Book) has 248 Pages (single-spaced text), 12 Chapters, 82,186 Words, 53 Figures & 76 Tables.
Book Size: 8" x 10"(Mirrored Margins with 0.5" Gutter), 0.5" Margins Left on all 4 sides.

      About the Author

Copyright Page

  Around the World
  In the USA
  In Canada
  Diabetes Statistics Resulted from Heart Disease
  Good News

  How Glucose Builds Up In the Bloodstream?
  Diabetes and Pancreas
  Exocrine Function & Endocrine Function of Pancreas
  YouTube Videos About Pancreas
  The Production of Insulin in the Human Body
  Causes of Diabetes
  Symptoms of Diabetes
  Hyperglycemia Versus Hypoglycemia
  Reasons Why You Have Uncontrolled Diabetes
  Long Term Complications (Side Effects) of Diabetes
  Types of Diabetes
  Medical Check-Up and Diagnosis
  Self-Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices
  Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices
     (Dexcom & FreeStyle)
  Routine Tests for Diabetics
  How Is Blood Glucose Level Expressed for Diabetes?
  Why Is the Glucose Conversion Factor 18?
  Normal Blood Glucose Levels and Normal & A1c Level
  An Example of Diabetes Control

 [ A Very Important Chapter If You Are Diabetic]
  Introduction to Diabetes Control
  Control Your Diabetes in 90 Days: Why 90 Days?
  Hemoglobin A1c Explained
  Hemoglobin A1c Chart

  Normal Blood Glucose Levels & Normal Hemoglobin A1c Levels
  The Secret to Controlling Diabetes Successfully
      Example 1, Example 2 & Bottom Line
  Can the Hemoglobin A1c Be Determined At Home?
  How to Calculate Daily Average Blood Glucose Level?

 METHOD 1: Type 2 Diabetes Control
 With Healthy Diet & Exercise (No Medication)

Dietary Guidelines
Physical Activity Stimulates the Insulin Production from Pancreas
  EXAMPLE 1: How to Control Type 2 Diabetes
     With Healthy Diet, Daily Exercise & Self-Discipline!
  Disadvantages of Method 1

 METHOD 2: Type 2 Diabetes Control
 With Healthy Diet, Oral Medication & Exercise
Dietary Guidelines & Oral Medication
Physical Activity Stimulates the Insulin Production from Pancreas
  EXAMPLE 2: How to Control Type 2 Diabetes
With Healthy Diet, Oral Medication, Daily Exercise & Self-Discipline!
Disadvantages of Method 2

 METHOD 3: Type 2 Or Type 1 Diabetes Control
 With Healthy Diet, Insulin Shots & Exercise
  Uncontrolled Diabetes Is Dangerous
  Insulin Is The Best Medication For Diabetes
  Important Note On Insulin
  Dietary Guidelines & Rapid-Acting Insulin

Physical Activity Stimulates the Insulin Production from Pancreas
Physical Activity Also Stimulates the Artificial Insulin Injected
  How Much Artificial Insulin Is to be Injected?
  Physical Activity Cuts Insulin Dose In Half
  Hands On Training Course In A Diabetes Clinic
  How to Achieve Normal A1c
With Insulin Shots & Exercise?
  How to Enjoy High Carbohydrate Meals &
     Slash After-Meal Glucose Spikes?


Example 3, Example 4, Example 5, Example 6, Example 7
Advantages of Method 3
Disadvantages of Method 3
Why Should the Insulin Dose Be Optimized?
  How to Optimize Insulin Dose by Trial & Error?
  Trial & Error Procedure: Simplified Approach
  For A Small Meal, Mid-Sized Meal & Large Meal
  Trial & Error Procedure: Sophisticated Approach
  Trial & Error Procedure: Diabetes Control (Flow Sheet)

  Dr. RK’s Diabetes Has Been Controlled Permanently
  Official Blood Test Results of the Controlled Diabetes


  Introduction to REAL-LIFE CASE STUDY
  Injection Sites, Finger Poking Strategy
  Data Collection and Research (Insulin, Food & Exercise)
  Influence of Insulin & Exercise
On After-Meal Glucose Levels
  Interpretation of Diabetic Research Results
  Trial and Error Procedure: Diabetes Control
  Diabetes Treatment Plan Summarized
  Humalog Versus Humulin-R
  Conclusions and Observations
  Recommendations and Further Study
  Why do We Have to Do This Way?
  Real-Life Case Study of the Participant (Summary)

  Brief History of the Diabetic Person
  Official Blood Test Results:
      Fasting Glucose & Hemoglobin A1c
  Official Blood Test Results of Cholesterols
  Up-to-Date Official Blood Test Results of the Participant


  Self-Blood Glucose Monitoring Data (Diabetic Research)
  List of Graphs for the Diabetic Research Performed
(Chicken Meal, Tofu Meal, Fish Meal & Turkey Meal)
  Nutritional Information of All Meals Studied



2nd Part of the Book Begins Here!

All About Food, Medication & Exercise
To Fight & Control Diabetes!


A Person With Diabetes Must Understand Thoroughly:



2nd Part of the Book (Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9 & Chapter 10)
Is Designed to Help You Understand All About It!


Human Digestive System (Description)
Kidneys and the Urinary System (Description)
Nutritional Breakdown of Foods

  Concept of Calories
Food Calories of Nutrients
Example Calculation-I
     How to Calculate Calories Offered by a Food Item
Example Calculation-II
     How to Calculate Calories of a Meal on Dinner Plate
Distribution of Fat, Protein and Carbohydrate
Nutritional Information of Liquid Egg Whites
Reading Labels & Counting Calories (Continued)
Using Calorie-Counting Tables
Calculation of Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate
Manipulation of Carbohydrate Content
Accurate Carbohydrate Counting
Is the Carbohydrate Correction Necessary?
Is the Deduction of Fiber from Carbohydrate Necessary?

  Fats, Saturated Fats, Unsaturated Fats
Monounsaturated Fats, Polyunsaturated Fats
Hydrogenated Fats
Partially Hydrogenated Fats or Trans Fats
What is Cholesterol?
Normal Levels of Total Cholesterol, LDL, HDL


Dr. Sweeny’s Experiments on Diabetes
Dr. T.J. Moore’s Theory on Cholesterol
Dr. Gabe Merkin’s Report on Diabetes

  Eat Whole Foods Only
Do Not Eat Processed Foods & Refined Foods
Examples of Whole Foods
Processed Foods
Examples of Processed Foods
Refined Foods
Examples of Refined Foods
Reasons Why You Have Fat in the Belly
Good Carbs Vs Bad Carbs
Nutrients are Needed for the Human Body Survival
Simple Carbohydrates Vs Complex Carbohydrates
List of Vegetables & Greens (Whole Foods)
      for Every Day Eating

List of Oral Medications for Type 2 Diabetes
Discovery of Artificial Insulin
Commercial or Synthetic Insulin
Types of Commercial or Synthetic Insulin
Handling and Storage of Insulin
Rotate Injection Sites, Or Face Lipohypertrophy!
Longer Needles, Or Shorter Needles?
Insulin Strength and Syringe Size
How to Prepare Insulin Injection (Illustrations)
How to Prepare Mixed Dose of Insulin Injection
Insulin Injection Sites
Self-Blood Glucose Tests and Finger Poking
INSULIN PUMPS (Medtronic, Tandem, OmniPod, Ypso Pump)
Insulin Inhalers, Patches and Capsules
Insulin Free World and Islet Transplantation

Advantages of Exercise
How to Exercise?
Energy Expenditure in Exercise (With Examples)
Heart Rate (With Examples)
Total Food Energy Requirement (With Example)
How to Explain “3000 Calories = 1 Pound”?
Operation of Treadmill
Body Mass Index (BMI) With Sample Calculation
Exercise and Sweating (Perspiration)
Drink Purified Water Only (At Least 8 Cups A Day)

An Illustration
An Illustration
Low Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure
Angioplasty (Balloon, Stent and Laser)
Angioplasty Procedure
Bypass Surgery (Single, Double, Triple, Quadruple)



  About the Author

Free Info About This Book (In A PDF File)

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How To Purchase This Book On This Website?

To Purchase "Permanent Diabetes Control" On This Website, Click Below:
To Purchase "The Secret to Controlling Type 2 Diabetes" On This Website, Click Below:

  Home  |  Digital Book (dBook)   eBook (PDF File)


This Book Is Also Available On Amazon
Attention Readers: There Are 2 Books!

1. Permanent Diabetes Control (Paperback: $24.99)

This is the complete book with all 12 Chapters, 53 Figures & 76 Tables.
Kindle eBook has 476 pages & Paperback has 248 pages.

Kindle eBook & Paperback

2. The Secret To Controlling Type 2 Diabetes (Paperback: $14.99)

This book is created with the first 3 chapters of "Permanent Diabetes Control."
Kindle eBook has 221 pages & Paperback has 108 pages with 16 Figures & 18 Tables.

Kindle eBook & Paperback


Go to the Top



Amazon Link:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/097311200X

Amazon Reviews
Permanent Diabetes Control

Jatin Verma

5.0 out of 5 stars  Every diabetic’s immortality guide!

Reviewed in India on September 30, 2022

Verified Purchase

This book “Permanent Diabetes Control” must be every diabetic’s immortality guide because it can save your life. I came to know from the local Diabetes Association that more than 90% of the diabetics around the world are living with uncontrolled diabetes because it is next to impossible for a diabetic person to achieve normal A1c. Many diabetics die from diabetes-related complications such as heart attack, heart disease, kidneys failure, amputation and blindness.

This book holds the secret to controlling diabetes in 90 days and to achieving normal A1c in 90 days. When a diabetic person lives with normal A1c, death will not occur from diabetes-related complications as long as this book is with you.

This book has everything a diabetic person ever needed to educate himself/herself. It is the must-read book if you are diagnosed with either type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or gestational diabetes. Extremely extraordinary guide!

Fnu Warda tus sahar

5.0 out of 5 stars   How To Live With Normal A1c If You Are Diabetic?

Reviewed in the United States on November 20, 2021

Verified Purchase

International Diabetes Federation (IDF) published recently stating that about 8.8% of the world lives with diabetes as of 2019, which means that at least 415 million people around the world are living with diabetes. This number is expected to increase to 642 million by 2040.

Permanent Diabetes Control book teaches like a pro how to control diabetes in 90 days and how to live like a normal person for the rest of your life. I achieved normal A1c using this book’s powerful contents. I recommend this book to all diabetics. Please do not live with uncontrolled diabetes if you are diagnosed with diabetes. Learn how to control diabetes perfectly in 90 days, and live with normal A1c using this wonderful book.



5.0 out of 5 stars  Extraordinary Diabetes Control Book!

Reviewed in the United States on December 12, 2020

Verified Purchase

In my family circle, many of my relatives suffer from chronic diabetes, and they are all using this book “Permanent Diabetes control,” and they all appreciated all contents of this book. This book teaches how to control the chronic diabetes in 90 days, and reveals the necessary secret that every diabetic patient should be aware of in order control diabetes effectively.

Doctors don’t teach all those diabetes controlling skills presented in this. This book taught me very clearly with many worked out examples on how to calculate the daily average blood glucose level correctly. If I know how to do that correctly, I can easily control my diabetes, and achieve normal hemoglobin A1c under 7%. I enjoyed all 12 chapters. Every chapter has important information related to diabetes.

Permanent Diabetes Control book is the comprehensive guide, and I highly recommend it to all people living with diabetes, either type 2 or type 1. Diabetics should stop living with uncontrolled diabetes, and start learning “how control diabetes in 90 days”. It is indeed possible to control diabetes in 90 days as this book convinces us with scientific reasoning.


Anamaría Aguirre Chourio

5.0 out of 5 stars  Genius Diabetes Control Book

Reviewed in the United States on February 27, 2020

Verified Purchase

Diabetes is a dangerous disease that cannot be controlled unless you master the topic and possess the extraordinary knowledge. This book “Permanent Diabetes Control” is packed with that “powerful knowledge” if you want to swallow and digest at least some of it.

Understanding Hemoglobin A1c Chart is the key to controlling diabetes. In this wonderfully designed book, the author explains “Hemoglobin A1c and Hemoglobin A1c Chart” so well like no one else with easy-to-understand experiments conducted at home along with the self-blood glucose monitoring data. Thanks to the author!

Give yourself 90 days to see outstanding results in controlling your diabetes (but you should control diabetes every day). I urge you to read this book, and learn all the contents without procrastinating. It can not only change your life with diabetes, but also can save your life from diabetic complications that you could develop over time. Diabetic complications are extremely dangerous and life-threatening.

If you have diabetes, take action before it is too late, read this book all 12 chapters, and master the diabetes controlling skills. I am the genuine admirer of this wonderful book!

Jack mckeever

5.0 out of 5 stars   All a diabetic person needs is this book!

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 10, 2020

Verified Purchase

All a diabetic person needs is this book to self-control diabetes, and to live like a normal person for the rest of his/her life. This book teaches how to research on rising and falling blood glucose level by frequently self-monitoring with a fingerstick blood glucometer at home. This book teaches how to implement appropriately healthy diet, exercise, oral medication or insulin shots, and how to lower after-meal blood glucose spikes, and achieve daily average blood glucose level close to or under 7 mmol/L or 126 mg/dl depending on in which country a diabetic person resides. If you can do so every day for 90 consecutive days, you can easily achieve normal A1c level. There are many worked-out examples illustrated in Chapter 3 of this book. Chapter 3 contains everything a diabetic person ever needs to understand diabetes, and control it perfectly in order to achieve normal haemoglobin A1c. Achieving normal haemoglobin A1c is the key to controlling diabetes permanently.

Whether you are a newly diagnosed or veteran diabetic person, you must take advantage of this comprehensive diabetes control book. You can learn everything about the fundamentals of diabetes such as the function of pancreas, lack of insulin production, controlling diabetes with healthy diet, exercise along with pills or insulin injections. This book offers many strategies and secrets of controlling diabetes effectively, which you could not have learned by visiting family physicians and/or endocrinologists. All you need is this book if you are diabetic!


Daniele D'Alessio

5.0 out of 5 stars  Control Your Diabetes In 90 Days By Using This Guide!

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 2, 2020

Verified Purchase

Did You Know? A healthy non-diabetic person’s pancreas stores about 200 units of insulin in its beta cells, measures blood glucose level 500 times a day, and automatically secretes the appropriate amount of insulin into the bloodstream in order to maintain normal blood glucose level throughout the day. When the beta cells of the pancreas are damaged or not functioning properly, a person develops “DIABETES” due to lack of insulin supply. In a diabetic person, due to pancreatic deficiency, the body does not automatically monitor the blood glucose level nor does it adjust the insulin secretion in the bloodstream to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

If diagnosed with diabetes, a diabetic person must monitor the blood glucose level as frequently as possible with a glucometer at home, and inject the correct amount of artificial or synthetic insulin with an intention to lower after-meal glucose levels. Only in this way, can diabetes be self-controlled.

But the problem is that most diabetic people don’t monitor even 5 times a day. If you are a beginner, start monitoring 10 times a day, and do diabetic research on your own body to understand your uncontrolled diabetes. Whenever your blood glucose level is high, inject the right amount of rapid acting insulin, and either walk or exercise in a gym until the blood glucose level falls close to normal quickly (normal level is 5 mmol/L in UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, or 90 mg/dL in USA & many Asian countries). You need to work hard in the beginning until you become familiar with this topic. Insulin is the best medicine to treat diabetes. Your haemoglobin A1c will be dropped significantly right in front of your eyes if you understand diabetes control.

However you should read this book Permanent Diabetes Control, understand all the examples illustrated, and follow all the instructions and precautions carefully. You will be able to do this research by injecting insulin shots only after an appropriate hands-on training in a local diabetes clinic where they will teach you everything on how to inject insulin and how to exercise afterwards. My experience with this book is amazing and very positive!

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars If you are diabetic, you must read and use this book!

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 4, 2021

Verified Purchase

Whether you are a novice or veteran diabetic and don’t have a clue on how to control diabetes and achieve normal A1c, this is the best book that you must read, understand, and master diabetes control strategies, and use it until you achieve perfectly normal A1c. Don’t live with abnormal A1c if you are diabetic. The complications arisen due to elevated A1c would be devastating and dangerous. You better get help from this highly resourceful and extremely helpful diabetes control guide.

No doctor has helped me achieve normal A1c for many years. Only by reading and using this book, I achieved normal A1c. I loved every page in this book. All 12 chapters are packed with up-to-date information with scientific reasoning, incredible explanations, tips, tricks, basic and advanced strategies provided by an extremely successful diabetic person who achieved perfectly normal A1c long ago, and who has been living with “Permanent Diabetes Control” for very many years. I was inspired and astonished by seeing the blood test results published in this book. Don’t take my word for it, but you better read this whole book!


Health & Well Being

5.0 out of 5 stars   My Favorite Diabetes Control Guide

Reviewed in India on March 1, 2020

Verified Purchase

This book teaches us the most important aspect in diabetes control “how to determine the hemoglobin A1c level comfortably at home” without going to a laboratory blood test, but just by using the daily finger-stick blood glucose monitoring data from the glucometer that we use at home. I have never heard about it, no doctor told me about it, and no diabetes specialist would teach us about it.

If we learn how to determine the haemoglobin A1c level at home manually daily, we can master the diabetes control concept, and control diabetes easily in 90 days, and live like a normal person afterwards as long as we stick to the concepts outlined in this book.

If you are diabetic, suffering from either type 2 diabetes or type 1 diabetes, you should read this book cover to cover, master all the concepts outlined in this book, you will be amazed to see your hemoglobin A1c dropping like a rock to normal. In my opinion, this is the best book on this important topic “diabetes control”.


Debi prakash pattanaik

5.0 out of 5 stars I Recommend This Book to Every Diabetic Person!

Reviewed in India on October 29, 2021

Verified Purchase

A family friend recommended me this book “Permanent Diabetes Control”. I purchased it on Amazon, and the rest is history. My A1c started dropping every 3 months continuously. As I learned how to determine the A1c at home without going to a laboratory, everything became easier. I took control of my diabetes into my own hands, as my doctors never helped me anyway in lowering my A1c. I have successfully lowered my A1c to under 7% using the methods nicely explained in this book. This book has masterful information about controlling diabetes. No doctor would teach you about those scientific strategies, tips and tricks. I recommend this wonderful book to every diabetic person around the world.


Sumit Sharma

5.0 out of 5 stars Extremely Useful Diabetes Guide to Everyone!

Reviewed in India on October 22, 2020

Verified Purchase

This book “Permanent Diabetes Control” has taught me many interesting aspects on diabetes starting from the basic concepts about diabetes, and outlining all the essential tools all about food consumption, diabetes medication either pills or insulin, and daily exercise necessary to fight and control diabetes perfectly. My favourite part is on how to calculate daily average blood glucose level from self-monitoring data. There are many worked-out examples in the book so that a layperson can easily understand all contents.

I understood that if I could maintain my daily average glucose level close to or under 7 mmol/L or 126 mg/dL for 90 consecutive days, my diabetes would be tightly controlled, and would remain controlled for the rest of my life. This wonderful concept has been keeping my diabetes under tight control. I thank the author for giving us such a comprehensive book in which everything about blood glucose control is presented in 12 interesting chapters.

5.0 out of 5 stars Extremely well founded book.
Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

The book is very good and I’m glad I bought it. I am not quite pre-diabetic but am getting close and must do what I can to prevent diabetes. I spent HOURS on the American Diabetic Assn website and did not learn very much. I did learn a lot from this book. So far in my quest for information on Diabetes, this book rates as the most informative, reliable, well organized, well written material on Diabetes. I recently found out I have the disease and use this book to educate myself. I have it on my Kindle which goes everywhere I go - in the car, to a doctor's appointment, etc. I learn a little bit at a time and the way the book is written makes it easy to remember. Anyone wanting information on how to control Diabetes - to learn, to teach - in whatever capacity would benefit from having this book.





Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0973112050

Amazon Reviews
The Secret to Controlling Type 2 Diabetes

Anoop J.

5.0 out of 5 stars   I Was Lucky to Find This Book!

Reviewed in India on 2 October 2022

Verified Purchase

I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My doctor did the following test.

The Oral Glucose Tolerance Test: It is an important test in which the physician asks the patient to come back early in the morning after fasting for 10 hours but not greater than 16 hours. The patient is asked to consume 75 grams of glucose (dissolved in purified water), and the glucose levels are then monitored at intervals of 15 minutes or 30 minutes for a period of 2 to 3 hours. A non-diabetic person’s glucose level gradually drops to normal in 2 hours (under 7.8 mmol/L or 140 mg/dL), whereas a diabetic person’s glucose levels remain significantly higher (more than 11.1 mmol/L or 200 mg/dL) and the levels do not drop to normal until and after 6 hours, confirming that the person has diabetes.

I was lucky to find this excellent book recently on Amazon, and am now mastering the diabetes control methods so nicely illustrated with real-time glucose data and research. After reading this book, I can confidently tell that I will not leave my diabetes “uncontrolled,” but will make sure that it is perfectly controlled. As long as I have this book at my home, I am sure I would be okay.

Sammantha Johnson

5.0 out of 5 stars  The Secret To Control Diabetes Revealed!

Reviewed in the United States on February 29, 2020

Verified Purchase

HIDDEN SECRET IS IN THE HEMOGLOBIN A1c CHART: If you want to understand the secret, you need to understand conceptually what the Hemoglin A1c is, and how the Hemoglobin A1c Chart is designed by medical scientists, as is explained in this book with examples. If you understand this secret perfectly with a clear concept, everything becomes easy, your mind will guide you on how to control diabetes, you will be a winner, and you will be living with “well-controlled diabetes” in 90 days.

Any defects associated with the poor functioning of the pancreas contributes to a lack of insulin supply or metabolic disorder due to which the body’s cells become unable to utilize the insulin secretion properly, and the end result is a life-threatening build up of elevated blood glucose levels in the bloodstream causing a chronic, and possibly a fatal disease called “Diabetes Mellitus.” Diabetes Mellitus means “sweet urine” being siphoned through the urinary system out of the body.

I did not know why am I suffering from diabetes, and how am I diabetic until I read these two books “Permanent Diabetes Control” and “The Secret to Controlling Type 2 Diabetes”.


5.0 out of 5 stars  Great Guide to Control Diabetes at Home!

Reviewed in the United States on December 14, 2020

Verified Purchase

Dexcom device monitors and records blood glucose level of a diabetic person every 5 minutes as long as the sensor is attached to the body properly. Therefore it is possible to find out the “daily average blood glucose level” a lot more accurately instead of calculating it from the fingerstick blood glucose data. After I read this amazing book “The Secret to Controlling Type 2 Diabetes,” I started working with my “daily average blood glucose level.” As this book taught me, I started slashing my after-meal glucose spikes. I was very successful in achieving normal A1c under 7% quickly in a short period of time. Before that I have been living with “uncontrolled diabetes” for a long time.

This book is amazing, and every diabetic must read and use this book, and must take immediate action to control his/her diabetes. This book will inspire you and teach you everything you ever need to control your diabetes. It is important that you understand the “SECRET” revealed in this book. Then you will have a major breakthrough in the fight against this chronic and fatal disease called “diabetes”.


5.0 out of 5 stars  Do-It-Yourself Practical Guide to Control Diabetes!

Reviewed in the United States on June 10, 2021

Verified Purchase

If you understand the hemoglobin A1c chart (how it was created by the medical scientists and how to use this chart to find out your A1c level at home without taking a laboratory blood test), you will become a master of diabetes control. This secret concept is clearly explained in this diabetes book with several worked-out examples. You will not learn this secret by visiting diabetes specialists, but by reading this book you will know about it. Any layperson can read this book and control his/her diabetes and achieve normal A1c in 90 days by working diligently. Your determination and your hard work will pay off!

This Do-It-Yourself Practical Guide would be helpful and useful to all diabetic people (type 2, type 1 & gestational).

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars   Yes, diabetes can be permanently controlled!

Reviewed in India on October 4, 2022

Verified Purchase

Not only my type 2 diabetes has been permanently controlled, but also am living like a normal person with the aid of “ the secret” very convincingly revealed in this superb guidebook. I understood hemoglobin A1c chart with a clear concept only through reading this wonderful book. And I identified “the secret” that lies within the haemoglobin a1c chart. No doctor would ever teach this fantastic secret. I learned how to calculate my daily average blood glucose level from my finger-prick blood glucose data after reading and understanding the worked-out example in Chapter 3. I took action to lower my daily average glucose level to normal exactly as this book guides by adjusting my healthy diet, medication and exercise. My A1c came down to normal in 90 days. I was amazed.

Unbelievably incredible guidebook that teaches everything a diabetic person ever needs. My sincere thanks go to the author of the book “The Secret to Controlling Type 2 Diabetes!”



5.0 out of 5 stars  Excellent Diabetes Management Guide!

Reviewed in India on September 28, 2022

Verified Purchase

This book “The Secret to Controlling Type 2 Diabetes” is an extremely extraordinary guide to control diabetes in 90 days, and to live like a normal person for the rest of your life.

This book explains clearly 3 methods to accomplish normal hemoglobin A1c in 90 days.
There are easy-to-understand worked-out examples with real time blood glucose data.

(i) How to Control Type 2 Diabetes With Diet & Exercise,
(ii) How to Control Type 2 Diabetes With Diet, Oral Medication & Exercise, and
(iii) How to Control Type 2 or Type 1 Diabetes with Diet, Insulin Shots & Exercise.

We all know that “knowledge is power” so every diabetic person must equip his/her mind with as much knowledge as possible on diabetes control by reading through this fully comprehensive guide. If you do so, your mind would guide you on how to control diabetes daily, and how to maintain hemoglobin A1c level always normal. This book will inspire you, and provide you with all the guidance you need on how to achieve normal hemoglobin A1c.

This is a well-organized and well-written book “packed with extensive knowledge” to help diabetics. I am certain that this book will help many people with diabetes, highly recommended.

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars Dexcom device won’t take care of your diabetes, but this book will!

Reviewed in India on October 7, 2022

Verified Purchase

Dexcom device monitors and records your blood glucose level every 5 minutes (20 times an hour or 480 times a day). From this data, you can accurately determine your daily average glucose level. I controlled my daily average blood glucose level with a healthy diet, insulin shots, and exercise exactly as explained in this wonderful book. When my daily average glucose level is controlled to be normal for 90 days, my hemoglobin A1c dropped down to normal. This wonderful technique can be learned only from this book (my doctors never taught me). When you use the Dexcom device, you need to read this book to control your diabetes. Dexcom device won’t take care of your diabetes, but this book will!


5.0 out of 5 stars  You Need This Book If You Use Dexcom System & FreeStyle Livre!

Reviewed in the United States on October 13, 2021

Many diabetics nowadays are using (i) Dexcom System, or (ii) FreeStyle Livre 14-Day System by believing that these devices would take care of their diabetes (Not True!). No, these devices don’t take care of your diabetes. What all these two devices do is: they simply monitor frequently and record your blood glucose level frequently, which is not possible with a home glucometer. For example, Dexcom System monitors 12 times per hour or 288 times per day. The more times you monitor, the more information you obtain about your blood data, more specifically about blood glucose spikes. But you need to take action to slash your blood glucose spikes and to control your diabetes based on the blood glucose data.

It is your responsibility to offset those glucose spikes by healthy diet, oral medication or insulin, and daily exercise. This book teaches how to do that correctly with many workedout illustrations. However you need this book when you use (i) Dexcom System, or (ii) FreeStyle Livre 14-Day System in order to control your diabetes. This book teaches everything you need to control your diabetes in 90 days.

Valued customer

5.0 out of 5 stars  This book is filled with expert knowledge on diabetes.

Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2022

Verified Purchase

The hardest part of being a diabetic is the “lack of knowledge” on controlling diabetes in order to achieve normal A1c. More than 90% of the diabetics don’t have normal A1c and they don’t know how to achieve normal A1c. This book is filled with expert knowledge that is extremely helpful and guides you on how to achieve normal A1c in 90 days.

Even the doctors, endocrinologists and board-certified specialists are not equipped with the appropriate knowledge and training skills to transmit the real concept of controlling diabetes to their patients' minds, except leaving their patients in a dilemma of uncontrolled diabetes.

Doctors don't teach their patients how to understand the hemoglobin A1c chart with a clear concept. As a matter of fact, the secret to controlling diabetes lies in understanding the hemoglobin chart. If you understand the hemoglobin A1c chart, you will be a winner.

This book teaches everything about it, and helps you achieve normal A1c in 90 days. You will have to wait at least 90 days to see a significant change in A1c because every 90 days, new red blood cells are born.


kaitlyn Jeffries

5.0 out of 5 stars Insulin Shots Are A Lot More effective Than Oral Medications!

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 19, 2020

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I agree with this book’s message: Insulin shots are a lot more effective than oral medications for any diabetic person, doesn’t matter whether type 2 or type 1. Insulin shots quickly and instantly lower after-meal glucose spikes. If a diabetic person can figure out the exact dosage (exactly how many units) of the rapid-acting insulin that is to be injected for a given major meal and exercise thereafter, it is very easy to live with normal blood glucose levels throughout the day, thereby achieving a perfect diabetes control, and normal hemoglobin A1c in 90 days. I liked the “secret” outlined and explained with many examples in this book.

Any diabetic person can learn and master those skills of injecting the right amount of insulin for any given meal by reading this book with keen interest. This book “The Secret to Controlling Type 2 Diabetes” teaches all about it like an expert.


Sara Jackson

5.0 out of 5 stars  Extremely Low-Card Diets and No-Carb Diets Are Dangerous!

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 20, 2022

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I learned from this book that “Extremely Low-Card Diets and No-Carb Diets Are Dangerous.” Very many type-2 diabetic people survive by consuming high-protein meat products without consuming carbohydrate, which is harmful to health. In fact, research showed that long term low-carb diets and no-carb diets are linked to early death, ketosis (a metabolic state characterized by high levels of ketone bodies in the body tissues), cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer.

I also learned that a diabetic person must consume a well-balanced meal with sufficient amount of carbohydrate daily, and must learn how to lower after-meal glucose spikes through consuming healthy diet, oral medication or insulin and exercise daily exactly as explained in this book.


5.0 out of 5 stars   Can the Hemoglobin A1c Be Determined at Home?

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 22, 2022

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Can the Hemoglobin A1c Be Determined at Home? Surprisingly, this book says “Yes,” and I was wowed! This book is packed with many diabetes controlling secrets. Doctors never use and never teach those secrets to their patients. For example, this book amazingly teaches how to determine the hemoglobin A1c at home without going to a laboratory blood test with doctor’s requisition. The book shows how to determine A1c at home in Chapter 3 with a worked out example. I have never heard about it before from any doctor, nurse or anyone else, and have never read about it in any book. You can find such secretive information only in this book.

If a diabetic person learns how to determine the hemoglobin A1c at home, everything becomes easy to control his/her diabetes. Only in this way, can the diabetes be controlled tightly in order to achieve normal A1c.


Harish Garg

5.0 out of 5 stars   Doctors don’t know about the secret revealed in this book!

Reviewed in India on August 6, 2022

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Are you diabetic? If you are diabetic, don’t spend another day without reading this
important book. The secret revealed in this book could save your life. Doctors don’t know about the secret revealed in this book. This book teaches how to achieve normal A1c in 90 days by using the powerful method with healthy diet and either oral medication or insulin shots along with the after-meal exercise. I learned how to slash after-meal glucose spikes by injecting rapid-acting insulin and by running on a treadmill or by regular walk. It is very easy to slash after-meal glucose spikes. When I followed the method exactly as explained in this book, my A1c dropped to below 7% in 90 days.

Long-term side effects and complications of diabetes such as blindness, amputation,
hardening of arteries, heart disease, and kidney disease are very dangerous and life-
threatening. So controlling diabetes, achieving normal A1c, and living with normal A1c must be the goal of every diabetic person. Yes it is possible to achieve normal A1c by using the method so nicely illustrated in this book, no matter how serious your diabetes is. I am amazed to find myself that this method is extremely effective. I achieved normal A1c in 90
days and so can any person with diabetes!



5.0 out of 5 stars  The Secret to Achieve Normal A1c Is Revealed!

Reviewed in India on June 10, 2021

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“The Secret to Controlling Type 2 Diabetes” book guides you on how to control your diabetes perfectly in 90 days, and live like a normal person for the rest of your life. By lowering the hemoglobin A1c level to perfectly normal, and by keeping it normal for the rest of your life, you control your diabetes. Please read this book for more details.

THIS WONDERFUL BOOK HAS HELPED ME ACHIEVE NORMAL A1c: By using the Dexcom system, I find out my daily average blood glucose level accurately. An accurate daily average blood glucose level would result in accurate hemoglobin A1c without going to a laboratory blood test. This amazingly secret concept is outlined only in this book and nowhere else can you find it and no doctor would teach you about it. If you learn this SECRET, you will be rewarded with the normal hemoglobin A1c. What else do you want if you are diabetic?


Rahul gupta

5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect Diabetes Guide, Highly Recommended!

Reviewed in India on October 9, 2021

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I have been diabetic for many years with my hemoglobin A1c way over 13%, and nobody helped me to control my diabetes until I found this book on Amazon.

After I understood all the diabetes-controlling skills illustrated with examples in this book, I managed my diabetes better than ever before and dropped my hemoglobin A1c to under 8%.
I am on my way to reach the normal 7% soon. This is the perfect guide if you are diabetic and live with high A1c.

Sumit Sharma

5.0 out of 5 stars   The Best Type 2 Diabetes Book!

Reviewed in India on October 23, 2020

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“The Secret to Controlling Type 2 Diabetes” is the first 3 chapters of the complete book “Permanent Diabetes Control.” I read both books. Both books are amazing. Your best bet would be reading the complete book “Permanent diabetes Control” if you want to control your diabetes permanently.

I liked all dietary guidelines described in this book. Some of them are as follows: A low-carbohydrate diet with lean meat (oven-baked skinless chicken, skinless turkey or fish), all kinds of vegetables, leafy greens, legumes, fruits (limited quantity only), low-fat milk or skim milk, and nut and seeds (limited quantity) is completely safe and healthy for a diabetic person. Every person, whether diabetic or non-diabetic, should eagerly try to eat a variety of vegetables, leafy greens and fruits available in the market by changing them every day, and by covering all of them every week so that the body would get all kinds of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

A whole foods meal, without any processed or refined items in it, along with egg whites best suits a diabetic person. Egg-whites is one 100% protein and one 100% safe, and so it can be used to adjust the daily protein requirement in order to consume the balanced meal.

Sunil Chandel

5.0 out of 5 stars  It is Possible to Accomplish “Permanent Diabetes Control!

Reviewed in India on October 9, 2021

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Hello, Are you severely diabetic? I have learned many interesting diabetes-controlling concepts from this book. A severely diabetic person should have a thorough knowledge about the normal blood glucose levels, and should be able to recognize how high or how low the glucose level is at any particular time. The blood glucose level of a healthy non-diabetic person after 2 hours of a heavy meal consumption automatically drops to normal range.

For a diabetic person, it is indeed possible to lower the blood glucose level close to normal value within 2 hours of a major meal consumption by injecting appropriate insulin dose and by introducing an after-meal exercise for one hour. By practicing this strategy on a daily basis, it is possible to accomplish “Permanent Diabetes Control.” I respectfully suggest that you please read the complete book titled “Permanent Diabetes Control,” which would teach you all the tools you need to fight and control your diabetes in 90 days.


Harshit srivastava

5.0 out of 5 stars You Can Determine Your Hemoglobin A1c Level At Home!

Reviewed in India on October 11, 2021

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“The Secret to Controlling Type 2 Diabetes” book teaches how to determine hemoglobin A1c level at home without going to a laboratory blood test. There is no doctor in this whole world who can teach you that.

Moreover, this book “The Secret to Controlling Type 2 Diabetes” guides you on how to control your diabetes perfectly in 90 days, and how to live like a normal person for the rest of your life. This is the shorter version of the complete book “Permanent Diabetes Control.”
I have read both books. Both books contain amazing information about diabetes control.
I love both books!


5.0 out of 5 stars  Diabetes Must Be Self-Controlled!

Reviewed in India on 31 October 2022

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Many diabetic people depend on doctor’s day-to-day instructions, and live with “Uncontrolled Diabetes” forever. Diabetes must be self-controlled by equipping your mind with all the knowledge and tools necessary to do it correctly every instant. Your mind should act on it at every instant whenever your blood glucose level spikes. If you depend on doctor’s advice, and adjust your dosages of insulin shots and portion control of the meals, you may be able to lower your A1c a few points, but you will not be able to permanently lower A1c to normal (under 7%).

This books provides you with all the knowledge and clues necessary to self-control diabetes and to achieve normal A1c permanently. I was able to achieve normal A1c only after reading and digesting all contents of this resourceful diabetes control book. I have read this book many times. CHAPTER 3 contains the most important information to self-control diabetes permanently. If you are diabetic, this book is profoundly recommended!


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